
Alyasat holding LLC

Alyasat holding LLC
About Company

Alyasat holding LLC is having more than 15 years experience in supply / service / calibration / flushing / onsite jobs for hydraulic an instrumentation products. Our comprehensive product range and on-site service teams support our local and global customers. Our aim is to maximize safety and improve operational efficiency by supplying products and services that provide high quality supply and service jobs.

Activities range from sale and rental, training and the provision of on-site services On-Shore and Off-shore jobs carried out by our competent and experienced technicians.

Alyasat holding LLC engineering services include:
Testing of UPS/batteries and Generators
Torquing and Tensioning of Bolts
Product Sales & Servicing
Rental and Technical Support
Hydrotesting and Valve Testing
Supply and instalation of gas detection systems

Our Website

Commercial Sector